Together we can make a difference.
About Us
The purpose and objectives of this organization are:
promote charitable activities within Rains, Wood, and surrounding counties,
provide support to educational organizations including but not limited to the local school districts,
become involved in and/or support activities for the betterment of Rains, Wood, and surrounding counties,
provide assistance, supplies, funding, and labor to qualifying organizations, and
provide educational opportunities for the membership and promote community involvement .
Our group usually meets the 1st Thursday of each month, at varying locations depending on the program. We dine out or have pot-luck luncheons which include informative speakers, updates on our charitable events and fellowship. Annual membership dues are $30.00. Returning members dues should be paid to the designated membership officer within the first quarter of the new year.
The meeting places and times will be published in the Rains County Leader prior to the meeting and on the Calendar and Events page of this website. E-mails will also be sent to the membership with the details of the meetings and any other activities scheduled during the month.
Board of Directors
President - Janice Rouse
Vice President of Events - Mary Hall
Vice President of Membership - Jimmie Standridge
Treasurer - Pam Bowden
Secretary -Debbie Keenan
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 512
Emory, TX 75440