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2011 Event Photos

Hee Hawg - 2nd Pig Roast

benefiting the Rains County 4H

2nd Annual Veteran's Thank You Picnic

Our thank you to our veterans for the freedoms allowed by their selfless sacrifices in years past. A blessed day full of smiles, tears and sweat. What a great country we live in. Thank you again Veterans!

SPRING FLING 2011 - 1st Annual Fashion Show and Luncheon

Luncheon and Ladies Day Out With Food, Fun, Fashion & Prizes. Entertainment by Billy Jo Russell and Pianist Mary Beth Applewhite. Such an exciting event and the women all over the local area enjoyed every minute of it. We plan on making this an annual event to support our general fund which supports our local charities and schools as the need arises. The female public is invited.


Crowning of the King and Queen

Celebrating the Mardi Gras in

full regalia reigning Queen,

Pam Bowden, turns over the scepter to new Queen, Betty Davis, and reigning King, Ron Bowden, crowns the new King, Art Davis.

Members Sandra Connell and Shirley Hirt

know how to celebrate Mardi Gras with their beautiful masks straight from Venice no doubt!!

Our host and hostess for the event was Member Ken and Carolyn West. Their beautiful home decorated in full Mardi Gras fashion, once again, accommodated more than 80 people. The silent auction and door donations earned over $3300 which benefited our scholarship fund. This is an event that cannot be missed next year.

2010 Gently Used Book Collection

Each year we join forces with the Rains County Friends of the Library and collect used books for a book sales to further the out reach of the library. Members l to r Vicki Leggett, Becky Franzen, Pat Kirsch and Sharon Adler sort the books for the sale.

2010 Scholarship Kick-off Luncheon at Rains ISD Library

We took a tour of the library and other areas of the high school. We also met the school principal and counselor. Donations were taken for the scholarship fund. In 2010 we awarded 11 scholarships to local students.

2009 EVENT PHOTOS 2009 Quilt Raffle for Chrysalis House in Sulphur Springs, TX.

Member Becky Franzen pieced the quilt top and several other members along with The Emory Methodist Church Quilt Club quilted it. We raffled the quilt to help with the roof for a local women's shelter and raised $2156.

2008 EVENT PHOTOS Christmas Parade 2008

A true Lake Country sort of Christmas theme. Our tree was decorated with fishing lures and bobbers. Member Holly and Jerry Morey were our "Bubba and Bubbette" Clause.

Mardi Gras 2008

Thanks to the Ladewigs for allowing us to have our 1st ever Mardi Gras at your home.

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